“TROOT in the SHED” (2012)


Welcome to “Troot in the Shed” Project 2012 

“Troot in the Shed” aims at making pupils aware of the Brown Trout and Sea-Trout life cycles through presentations and hands-on activities – the highlight of the initiative being hatching trout ova (provided by the Orkney Trout Fishing Association) on the school ground and monitoring the experiment on a daily basis to record the various stages from egg to alevin and fingerling. The four projects are currently run in the Orkney Islands schools of Stronsay, Sanday, Kirkwall Grammar and Dounby Primary.


The “Troot in the Shed” project owes its name to the building where the trout are hatched… There is an already existing initiative across the country called “Trout in the Classroom” but it requires an extensive set-up including a cooled tank costing in excess of £1,000 which wasn’t an option. We have managed here to hatch these trout using very basic materials either in schools already or donated by members of the community and local businesses (thank you Peedie Pawz Pet Shop in Kirkwall for the pumps!), thus reducing  cost to a minimum.

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Thanks for your visit.

Mr. Pietri

58 Responses to “TROOT in the SHED” (2012)

  1. Mr Pietri says:

    That’s a pity, boys :-(! The same thing happened on Stronsay last year and we were only left with a few alevins. But look on the bright side, you’ve been learning a lot of things about the trout’s life cycle and also how the whole business of hatching and rearing fish can be tricky! You’ll know what to do next year to make sure the pump incident doesn’t occur again…
    Hope all your alevins make it till Sunday and don’t forget to post some photos of the release.
    Mr. P

  2. Paul Piétri says:

    Cher fils,
    Peux-tu nous dire sur cent alevins lachés dans le ruisseau combien arriveront à la taille adulte (admettons 40cms); pour moi je pense 8.
    suis-je loin du compte?
    A bientôt.

  3. Mr Pietri says:

    Chers parents,
    Au lieu de hasarder une reponse sans preuve a l’appui, j’ai envoye un email a Malcolm qui prepare un doctorat sur la Truite de Mer. S’il ne peut apporter une reponse, je ne connais personne d’autre qui le puisse… D’apres moi, 8%, cela me parait un peut excessif, j’aurais plutot pense 3 a 5%, mais bon, c’est vraiment de la devinette!
    Des que j’aurai recu une reponse de Malcolm, je la publierai sur le blog.

  4. neil ewing says:

    Trout at KGS growing like mad. They all have markings and they look like mini trout. We are planning to release most on Sunday but will keep a few back to grow them on. Since they have lost their egg sacs I’ve introduced crumbed fish food and the fish are up and feeding well on it. Its great to watch them!!

  5. Mr Pietri says:

    Hi Neil,
    This is great you managed to get them to feed on fish food! Watch not to become too attached though! They’re becoming your pets a bit more every day…
    Hope you get nice weather on Sunday when you release your fish in the burn.

  6. hey
    i cant wait until we realse the trout the are soooo cute:)
    i have already promised trevor the trout that i will come in 4 years time and catch him and eat him.
    i dont think he was too keen on that idea though:D hehehe

  7. Mr Pietri says:

    Hi Molly,
    You’re obviously feeling a lot better! Poor Trevor the Trout… If I were you I would be a bit more patient and give him, let’s say 6 or 7 years and by then, he’ll be able to feed your whole family!
    Can’t wait to release the alevins either; hope we get decent weather…
    Mr. P

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